Maths Problem


The answer to the maths problem is 15! There is only one bowling shoe in the last equation! 1 bowling pin equals to 10 1 bowling ball equals to 4 2 bowling shoes equal to

Maths Problem2018-05-18T15:32:25+04:00

9 signs that show you are an adult now


1. Sleep has now become your best friend Sleep has gone from being your nemesis that you try to avoid to being your best friend. You even dream about sleeping now. 2. You use a

9 signs that show you are an adult now2018-05-03T14:36:26+04:00

Bowling according to your age


Time spent at a bowling alley can differ very much, depending on your age. Here's a humorous look at the differences:   5 years old At the age of 5, bowling can be summarised as

Bowling according to your age2018-04-11T11:56:28+04:00

Top bowling fails


Please take a moment to see these bowling disasters This guy who took a ball too little for his fingers Always make sure the finger holes fit just right! Or else you might end up

Top bowling fails2018-02-28T13:03:00+04:00

5 tips to rule your school year


Summer holidays have ticked away and it’s back-to-school time again. It’s a new year with new beginnings for you but what may be the same is the stress - long nights of homeworks, pressures of

5 tips to rule your school year2018-02-08T14:16:36+04:00

10 fun ideas for your school holidays


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10 fun ideas for your school holidays2017-11-24T15:53:25+04:00

10 last-minute Halloween costume ideas


Halloween's behind the door... One thing we like about this party is the dressing up. If you haven't yet chosen your Halloween costume, this article is for you! Below are simple, improvised and easy ways

10 last-minute Halloween costume ideas2017-10-31T12:17:39+04:00
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